He lies sleeping on the couch.
My head hurts too because I haven't cried
I had to put everything on mute so I could maintain and I still have my hand over the emotions that are trying to come up.
the night I wrote the post below
Forrest was at the fair.
He was walking with Christian and two Orcas Tylers started
giving Christian 'shit'. back and forth they go. Intervention is needed to prevent it from escalating because angry boys need help processing their fire. "Sucker Punched" and they slit and ran in different directions Christian tackled liedecker and kept him down. but some oblivious deputy (no offense) but really he says that the witnesses said he got punched in the stomach. Forrest supposedly said he was hit in the stumach but doesn't remember any thing after putting his arm between them. In reality I think there is a feud a stupid feud started if some fancy love isn't inserted into this mess. In the bigger picture but as for me I want the kid to know he did major harm and will not do it again. 'go and sin no more' is what I want to feel. Did he check Tyler Liedecker's Hand? Is something fishy?
At seven in the morning Jack knocks I think its about my mom. (much like with Brian I was worried about Glenn.)
My son went to the hospital, the Harborview's ICU In Seattle in between 7 hours -Sun River to Seattle. Me with my undercurrent of protective for my own life
The calls came in and I hesitated to understand. I almost called the 317- number back but didn't want to. He had had seizures and Jenny saved him because she was there. Thank god she was there and found her way to a paramedics house that she didn't know. She pulled into the driveway because her cell didn't work and he was there and got Forrest help. Thank you thank you thank you. thank you. He will be fine. the hospital was great. Thank you thank you. beautiful views